About Us
Guido T. Poppe
Guido T. Poppe is active in the conchological field since childhood. He actively build several collections which are now housed in museums in Europe and the USA:
- Trochidae (4000 lots) in the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de la Vilel de Geneve, Switzerland.
- European Seashells, Baily-Matthews Shell Museum, Florida, USA.
- Aesthetic Collection, Muséum national d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.
- General Collections, Koninlijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen,Brussels, Belgium.
Over ten thousand species – tens of thousands of specimen. The latter form an addition to the Dautzenberg collection.
Apart from this, he is an author and/or co-author of about 14 malacological books and has written many articles, especially on Volutidae.
For 8 years he was vice-president of the Société Belge de Malacology and has played an important role in the Belgian and European malacological scène over the last 20 years.
In 1996 he was honoured in Paris by the MNHN and received the title of “Correspondent of the Muséum”, from where the close collaboration of Conchology, Inc. with this institution. In 2006 he received the title of Scientific associate, Malacology Section, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences”. Since many years Guido and later also Conchology, Inc. are in close collaboration with this Institute which houses a large part of his important collections.
Today Guido continues his vocation as a conchologist in our company. His latest contributions to the field are the creation of Visaya – our journal. Apart from that he continues his work on the Conchological Iconography with Klaus Groh and the many more authors involved.